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MCLE Luncheon, September 18, 2014MCLE Luncheon, Topic: Strategic and Tactical Business and Legal Planning by Mark Fabiani, Esq., General Counsel, San Diego Chargers

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Attorney Mark Fabiani has held a variety of high level positions in local and federal government and more recently in the private sector.

Mr. Fabiani joined the San Diego Chargers in 2002 to explore opportunities for a new Chargers football stadium.  His efforts continue to this day.

He and his firm, Fabiani & Lehane, provide strategic advice and tactical execution to companies and individuals facing complex financial, marketing, communications and legal challenges.

In 2000, Mr. Fabiani served as deputy campaign manager for communications and strategy for Al Gore’s presidential campaign.  Before that, from 1994-1996, he served as special counsel for President Bill Clinton.

Mr. Fabiani also served as deputy mayor of Los Angeles and chief of staff to Mayor Tom Bradley for four years.

Upon graduation from Harvard Law School, Mr. Fabiani served as Deputy Attorney General for policy development, and as deputy assistant secretary at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, implementing the Empowerment Zone Initiative for Urban Revitalization.

The La Jolla Bar Association (LJBA), which is an approved MCLE provider, holds monthly luncheons of its members on the second Thursday of each month, except in August and December, which are reserved for the LJBA Summer Beach Party and the LJBA Holiday Party, respectively.  This month’s luncheon will be held on the third Thursday, September 18, 2014, so as not to conflict with the State Bar Annual Meeting held September 11-14, 2014, at the Grand Hyatt San Diego.

The MCLE luncheons are currently held at Manhattan restaurant in the historic Empress Hotel on Fay Avenue in downtown La Jolla, commencing at noon.

  • Members of the LJBA may attend at no cost, other than the cost of lunch (which they are expected to purchase).
  • Non-members may attend for a $20 charge plus the cost of their lunch.