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Thursday, April 11, 2024 — MCLE Luncheon — Alex Marjanovic

We are very pleased to have as our April speaker, Alex Marjanovic, Senior Managing Director, Data & Technology for Ankura, presenting A Practical Guide to Efficiency in eDiscovery.

The presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the management of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) in the context of legal discovery. Designed to cater to both “beginners” and those with intermediate experience, it offers a broad perspective on the entire discovery process as it pertains to electronic data. The primary objective is to impart a solid understanding of both the fundamental and more advanced aspects of ESI handling.


Key focus areas of the presentation include:
  1. Introduction to ESI in Discovery: The presentation will begin with a basic introduction to ESI and its significance in the discovery process;
  2. Overview of the eDiscovery Process: Attendees will learn about the stages and milestones involved in managing ESI for both Federal and State legal matters;
  3. Examination of a Sample RFP:    A sample Request for Production (RFP) issued by opposing counsel will be presented and analyzed to elucidate the various terms, definitions, and the implications inherent in such requests;
  4. Discussion of Data Collection: This conversation will include the specifics of the data collection referenced in the RFP, highlighting the importance of understanding the data and its relevance to the case;
  5. Workflow Strategies: The presentation will explore commonly employed workflows by advanced law firms for initial analysis and data culling, which is a crucial step before the review stage; and
  6. Adapting to Data Knowledge and Relevance: Emphasis will be placed on how slight alterations in the knowledge of the collected data, or changes in the expected level of relevance for production, can significantly impact the choice of workflow for an effective and efficient discovery and review process.


This presentation is designed to equip participants with the knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of ESI in the realm of legal discovery, regardless of their current level of expertise.

This 1.0 hr CLE presentation is certain to be of both interest and practical value to all. 


Some Information about our Speaker:


Senior Managing Director

Ankura, West Region, U.S. 
Lead Partner for Data & 
Technology, Discovery practice
1 Park Plaza, Suite 1050
Irvine, CA 92614
Main  +1.949.660.8200
Direct +1.949.579.2092
Mobile +1.858.337.2957
[email protected]


Alex Marjanovic is a Senior Managing Director at Ankura based in Irvine and is the West Region, U.S. Lead Partner for the Data & Technology, Discovery practice. With more than 19 years of e-discovery, litigation management, and document review experience, Alex has overseen project management, account management, and business operations for e-discovery related matters. His core expertise is managing consultant teams and developing workflows that enable in-house and outside counsel to streamline data management, e-discovery, document review, and production protocols.

Alex’s professional experience includes the whole lifecycle of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM), from delivering proactive assistance in relation to information governance and discovery readiness consulting to preservation, processing, and review of data for production purposes. Alex has guided and overseen e-discovery engagements on a variety of matters ranging from internal investigations tied to data exfiltration to “bet-the-company” government investigations.

Alex has extensive experience in navigating clients’ budgetary requirements and advising on workflows that adhere to proportionality. He knows that one of the most complex challenges for a company in litigation is monitoring expenses tied to e-discovery and that predictability is achieved by leveraging appropriate technologies and workflows and implementing a phased approach to each milestone for managed e-discovery matters.

As part of the leadership team for the Ankura Data & Technology practice, Alex leads account management, business development, project management, sales operations, and thought leadership endeavors. He supports litigation readiness, early case assessment, structured data expert services, forensic collection and analysis for investigations and lawsuits, electronically stored information processing, database hosting, and technology assisted review.

Prior to joining Ankura, Alex was a managing partner at a business services firm in their e-discovery and managed review division for seven years where he managed regional project management, business development executives, sales operations, and customer service teams. These teams’ core services included information governance, early case assessment, hosted review, and technology-assisted review.

Certified legal education programs that Alex has presented recently include:

  • A Practical Guide to Efficiency in E-discovery
  • Saas & E-Discovery – Navigating the Challenges of Emerging Data Sources
  • Ethical Issues in Electronic Discovery
  • Electronic Discovery Issues in Cross-Border and Multilanguage Litigation
  • Ethical Issues in Defensible Disposition