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La Jolla Bar Association, May MCLE Luncheon

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Eugenia A. EyherabidePlease calendar Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 12:00 noon, for the LJBA’s next lunch meeting at the Manhattan of La Jolla restaurant, located within the Empress Hotel at 7766 Fay Avenue (at Fay & Silverado).

The LJBA is pleased to have The Honorable Eugenia A. Eyherabide, Judge of the Superior Court, who will be speaking on “The Evolution of Sentencing in California Courts” and recent legislative changes in the laws relative to sentencing, its focus and purpose.

Judge Eyherabide was appointed to the San Diego Superior Court in 2006. At time of her appointment, Judge Eyherabide was a prosecutor of eleven years with the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office. Previously, she had been an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Washington, D.C. from 1992 to 1995. At the San Diego District Attorney’s Office, Judge Eyherabide was in charge of its nationally respected Family Protection Unit, which was featured in the documentary criminal justice television 13-part series ”Crime & Punishment” in 2002.

Judge Eyherabide’s presentation will provide 1.00 hour of CLE credit.